Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fun with the Fam...

So we had SUCH a great weekend with Brian's family, but I gotta say, I'm exhausted. Friday I had to work of course, but Brian and the fam went golfing and then grilled out at the house for lunch. After I got off work we all headed to the Cardinals game to watch them beat the Padres (we took the series 4-0). Saturday we had breakfast at the house and then headed to Grants Farm. Ulysses S. Grant lived there at some point in his life and now it is owned by the Anheuser Busch family. It's sort of like a mini zoo. The goat pictures below are from Grants farm... those little guys were SO cute. They give you bottles to feed to them. They kept nibbling on Brian and Brad's pants... But anyway... it was a lot of fun. Saturday night we went to my parents house for a BBQ, and Sunday we just hung out until it was time to take his Dad and brother Garrett to the airport. Brad and Janelle (Brad's girlfriend) didn't leave until yesterday night. So all in all it was a great weekend... it was good to see everyone and really get a chance to catch up.

Last night Brian and I went and saw Batman with my mom. We all thought it was really good. It definitely lived up to all of the rave reviews I've heard so far.

Ok well short post but lots of pictures for once! Enjoy!! Hope everyone has a great week... and hey at least it's not Monday!


Valerie said...

Aw CJ you're too cute! I bet you just loved those goats. Ha.

I saw Batman last night! So good!