Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The WORST part...

I'm officially going through the worst part of the whole "interviewing process"... the WAITING. Interviewed on Friday - I think it went well... said they would call early next week... so here I sit. Just waiting... and waiting... and waiting... Throw a couple of more prayers up there for us if you haven't already - thank you, thank you, thank you!

We found a house that we absolutely LOVE - put our lease application in on Saturday. The only thing they are missing is an "offer letter" from the potential company I'll be working for in Dallas as proof of income. So... again I wait...

And wait... and wait...


Unknown said...

EEE!! that's good news :) im praying for you guys. that whole process seems like it takes forevvvver, BUT at least you know you will end up JUST where you're supposed to be :) yay for texas!

Jacci said...

i'll be praying! can't wait til y'all are HERE! love you.